Wednesday 22 November 2017

(Post 18 & 19 *one video*) Public Feedback to Questions and Reactions to our Kushelov Videos

We went out into Wymondham and asked the public questions abotu what sources of film they use, some possible options being:
- Cinema
- DVD / Blu-Ray
- Online Sources such as Netflix

At the same time, we asked others, including some in school, to react to the Kushleov Video, this is their answers to the question, and their reactions to the video:

(Post 17) Recreating the Original Kuleshov Effect

TransmediaTombstone - home
This is the demonstration of the Kuleshov Effect, using the same clip of someone's reaction but with different scenarios, this gives the illusion that the character is reacting differently with each scene.
Here is the one we created:

(Post 15) Alfred Hitchcock Loves Bikinis

We based this production based on the ideas of Alfred Hitchcock, his idea was that people opinion are different based on what they are looking at, such as if a man is looking at a mother and child they seem as nice, sympathetic person whereas if you used the same clip of the man looking but changed what they are looking at, of a girl in a bikini, they man will then appear as perverted and creepy.
We chose to use a clip of someone looking angry/disappointed, the first thing they were looking at Teresa may winning Brexit this presents the person and relatable and an all round normal person, the next clip we have used is someone looking at a news article about gay marriage being legal we chose this so they viewer will see them mean and homophobic person therefor they have a negative attitude towards them.
We used Oscar as our main character who is being portrayed differently each clip.

Final Edit:


(Post 14) Sound in Love Actually

The Love Actually task was not assigned to our group as we did the other task, 13 reasons why.

(Post 13) 13 Reasons Why with Custom Audio

After removing the audio from the original clip, we recorded and inputted our own. For example;
the song is sampled directly from the original video, the footsteps were recorded by Lauren Webb and then I slowed them down in time with the steps in the video. The voice over was recorded in a quiet room and was done by Elsa. Here is the original and our version:

Wednesday 8 November 2017

(Post 10) Storyboard from the Gold Rush

Here is the storyboard which we created from the Gold Rush:

From this we attempted to recreate the scene given to us;

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Post 9: Mise en Scène from "Her"

This was the picture given to us to analyse:

This is shot from the movie 'Her'.

Costume and Make-up:

Most things about the costume are linked to the points in colour. His outfit uses varying reds, which juxtaposes the costumes of the other characters in the scene, which focus on sad blues, business whites and casual browns. His outfit shouts to the audience that this is the main character, with him being in bright, different colours. This and the combination of position within the frame emphasises that this is the protagonist. The costume is very business, casual, suggesting that he has some sort of role in a modern / futuristic job.


The shot is highly focused on the main character, with him being centre-frame and in quite a powerful position, with the arms crossed. Even though he is centred, he is not taking up the entire frame, with a clear image of the background, that being a city. This combined with his and the other's costumes, suggest the idea that the protagonist is related to quite a business role / occupation. Another idea brought from the image is that the positioning of the characters suggests that this is a romance film, the fact that he is on his own whilst being surrounded by couples emphasises his apparent loneliness, especially with his expression, looking rather sad.


The lighting is soft, not drawing too much attention to it. It is most likely 3-point lighting, being lit from the right, top and left. Lighting isn't key here, only providing the information that it is day time, perhaps suggesting that he is on a lunch break, as the "sunlight" is coming from above him, with the idea that it is mid-day.


All the colour is in linked with the costume, with what I mentioned previously, however the idea of romance is brought up again with the colour of his costume, reds being the colour of love and passion.

Monday 6 November 2017

(Post 8) Mise-en-scene Making An Original Still Image Task

This is our Mise en Scene still image we created:

Costume and Make-up:
The costume and the prop involved (the umbrella) are all grey / black with slight hue's of white, this very monotone colour selection suits perfectly with the scene that was attempted to be created, complimenting the rest of the scene.

The shot has the main character slightly on the right, with the emphasis on the background rather than him as he slightly further away, not centred and not made bold in any way.  By doing this it gives the impression that the character is absorbed in his surroundings rather than on himself. It can be said that the shot emphasises the quite sad scene as it makes the character look rather insignificant.

The lighting is natural, with no light coming from any particular direction, with the only noticeable difference in light coming from the shadow being casted by the tree behind the character. The lighting emphasises the lack of sun in the picture, the light coming from the illuminated grey in the sky, and from nothing else. This gives the lighting quite a sad, monotone look as the grey's are emphasised and the scene overall is not quite bright, adding to that depressed theme.

The colour is very lacking, after the saturation has been lowered and a grey, blue hue was added, the colour was sapped from the fallen leaves and the grass, what left is an apocalypse-type grey scene, with the colour of his suit and umbrella emphasising the darkness and the clouds.

Thursday 2 November 2017

(Part 4) Logo

We discussed a name for the production company, with final options being:
- Star Productions
- Project Illusion
- Ascension Studios
- Andromeda Productions
- Infinite Studios
- Radiant Productions
- Incognito Productions
- Sapien Studios
- Project Serpent

We originally settled with "Star Productions" however after some small researching, we discovered that it was already taken by a company. This is the logo that what designed for Star Productions:

After discovering that it was taken, we chose a different name and settled with "Project Illusion".
This is the current logo for our production company:

The reason for this design is based upon the "Illusion" part of our name, with the triangle being the "Infinity Triangle", a common optical illusion.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

(Post 3) Storyboard of Opening Task

Here is the storyboard for our opening task, produced by Emily. This sums up our ideas and our plan for the opening task.

ROUGH CUT - Coursework Short Film

ROUGH CUT IS HERE Improvements Required: -Audio -Better lighting and messed up resolution, will be fixed -Re-shooting of scenes for bette...